If you are seeking a blessing regarding some type of present evil:
There are often times in the course of our lives when we may feel that we are confronted with some type of spiritual evil. This can be a legitimate concern, and the Church desires to walk with those who feel that they may have an evil spirit in their homes or upon their persons. Within the tradition of the Church, the blessing of homes by a priest or a deacon can be a remedy for these situations, but careful discernment and proper steps must first take place. If you feel that some type of evil is in your house, we encourage you to first take these steps (which are in most cases more powerful than a house blessing) so as to take full advantage of the healing power of Jesus Christ.
4. Begin to pray together as a family in your home. Praying a daily rosary or praying Psalm 23 together is a great place to start. The prayer of a family together is one of the most powerful things that can be done in the home.
5. If you feel that some sort of outside evil continues to persist in your home after all the above steps have been followed, a meeting with a priest or deacon can be requested HERE to discuss the possibility of a house blessing.