Parish Facilities Scheduling and Use Policies & Procedures
These Policies and Rules are intended to govern the scheduling and use of the facilities of St. Stephen's Parish. All facilities at St. Stephen's shall be assigned, used and cared for in a manner that serves and supports the on-going mission of the parish.
The purpose of this document is to provide structure and procedures for the equitable and effective use of all parish facilities and to ensure good stewardship of our limited resources.
The following priorities for use will govern the scheduling of the facilities:
Liturgical services and sacramental celebrations
Religious Education classes and events, including sacramental preparation classes
Parish-wide programs and events (e.g. Missions or Speaker Series)
Required diocesan events and meetings
Events approved by the Pastor.
All ministry programs and meetings, including non-sacramental devotions
Regularly scheduled parish- or school-affiliated organizations
Special affiliated parish or school events
Other diocesan events and meetings
Other church organizations not affiliated with St.Stephen's
ONLY liturgical meetings/events will be scheduled in any parish facility during Holy Week, Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday), and of course Easter, Christmas Eve and Christmas.
No meetings will be scheduled for New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, or Thanksgiving Day.
Facilities governed by these policies include main church, Eucharistic chapel, church foyer/narthex, classrooms, little kitchen, nursery, hall, kitchen, parlor, ballroom, ballroom foyer, and surrounding grounds.
Starting in January of each year the Liturgy Department, Religious Education, Adult Faith Formation, Parish Administration and Youth Ministry will submit their calendar requests for dates through June 30th of the following year and into the future to the extent known.
During March and early April of each year, all ministries and organizations may submit their calendar requests for meetings and events through June 30th of the following year. Space will be granted only for a one-year time period that coincides with the parish fiscal year, July 1 through June 30. Repeating (including weekly and monthly) events must be re-submitted each year as they are not automatically carried forward.
All requests will be evaluated by the Pastor, Parish Business Manager, and the Parish Staff. Dates and room assignments are based on the above priority list and group size. If deemed necessary, a general meeting of all parties requesting the use of parish facilities will be scheduled in April (generally after Holy Week/Easter) to resolve any remaining conflicts.
This schedule is subject to change at any time and all parties are reminded to be flexible. Requests received during the course of a fiscal year are to be submitted at least four weeks in advance of the desired use. The Parish Office will normally respond to a request within two weeks. No date/space should be considered allotted until confirmed by the Parish Office. The scheduling of major parish or diocesan events means that rooms may not be available for regularly scheduled use. Parish and required diocesan events will supersede events previously scheduled. All scheduling conflicts not mutually resolved by the groups involved will be resolved by the Pastor and the Business Manager SCHEDULING PROCESS
Requests should be submitted using the Calendar Request Form. Do not email forms directly to the Front Office. Copies of the form may be obtained from the Parish website.
You will receive a confirmation that your event is scheduled and the location, or a notice that your request cannot be fulfilled. A submitted request should not be considered as approved/scheduled until confirmed via email. If you do not receive a confirmation, please email
If you cancel your event, please notify by email to as soon as possible so that the space may be used by others and the event removed from the bulletin, web site and public calendar. If an event is canceled within 48 hours, please also phone the Parish Office.
All requests will be met as quickly as possible. Room assignments are based on the above priority list, date of request and group size.
Please do not assume a room is available because it is empty. If you have not scheduled the use of a room/space through the Parish Office and received a confirmation, the space is not available for your group to use. Always check the calendar in the Parish Office to confirm room assignments.
St. Stephen's is a very active parish with many flourishing organizations and ministries. We are experiencing increased demands for a limited supply of facilities. This means that you may not always get the requested facility or date. Event planners should have a back-up date(s) in mind.
All events that wish to solicit donations (including non-cash donations of food, school supplies, Christmas gifts, etc.) or sell goods (e.g. raffle tickets, dinner tickets, baked goods, religious items, etc.) must be pre-approved by the Pastor, Parish Business Manager and Finance Council. This approval must be obtained each year for each event. It should not be assumed that a fundraising activity held in the past may be repeated anew. Please see the separate “Fundraising Policies and Procedures” document for further details. A separate Fundraising Request Form must be submitted in addition to a Calendar Request Form for such events. This form is available from the Parish website.
Food and/or drinks of any kind are not allowed in the worship spaces of the church or Eucharistic chapel at any time. If medically necessary, a water bottle with a cap is acceptable.
The Foyer is primarily intended as a communal gathering and welcoming space. As such, the church foyer should not host a virtually continuous sequence of events and solicitations. After-Mass use of the church foyer on weekends will be limited in terms of the number of weekends when “happenings” will be scheduled, the number of concurrent events, and the nature of those events. When granted, a specific location within the foyer, together with associated equipment (e.g. table(s) and chairs), will be provided and are not to be moved or changed without prior approval of the Parish Business Manager or Pastor.
All signage, banners, posters, fliers, etc., must be approved by the Parish Staff prior to ordering or duplicating. Nothing may be hung from the ceilings or adhered to walls, doors, pillars, or windows. Helium balloons are not allowed. Portable sign stands and easels are allowed to display approved advertisements.
Mass announcements and bulletin notices will be limited in terms of space and frequency at the discretion of the Pastor. All bulletin ad copy must be submitted in an electronic format that allows it to be scaled. The bulletin ad deadline for submission to the front office email is Tuesday at 10 am. Half-page and full-page ads in the bulletin will be permitted on an exception basis only at the discretion of the Pastor and/or Bulletin Editor.
Permission to post materials on the information board or signage elsewhere on parish grounds/facilities is granted through the Parish Business Manager and Pastor. Unauthorized material or locations will be removed. Materials and items must be of general interest to the parish at-large, consistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church, and aligned with the pastoral priorities of St. St. Stephen's Parish. Items/services for sale or rent, help wanted, partisan political materials or materials judged offensive or controversial are among those prohibited. Policies of the diocese of San Angelo and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will be applied. The standard posting period is two weeks maximum.
If you cancel a facility reservation, please notify by email to as soon as possible. (If an event is canceled within 48 hours of its start date, please also phone the Parish Office.) It is important to do this immediately in order to make the space available for others and to allow the event to be removed from the bulletin, web site and public calendar. Also, rooms are arranged (tables, chairs, etc.) and doors are programmed according to the calendar.
Failing to give notice of cancellation can, at the discretion of the Pastor, result in the loss of facility privileges for individuals and/or organizations.
The set-up of tables, chairs and other equipment in meeting rooms, the church foyer and Hall is to be specified on the Facility Space Request Form. The Facilities staff will normally handle the set-up and take-down of rooms for meetings and functions. Events occurring on weekends will be set-up during the workday on Friday and taken down on Monday. However, if intervening events (such as a wake/funeral) do not permit the staff to perform the set-up/take-down, the ministry conducting the weekend event will need to make other arrangements in consultation with the Parish Business Manager or Pastor. Such arrangements must be made 7-10 days prior to the scheduled event.
St. Stephen's does not have a commercial cleaning company to clean our facilities, so we need everyone who uses the facility to pick up after themselves. Thus, the ministry holding an event is responsible for cleaning up all refuse and food serving items (including coffee pots, serving trays, utensils, etc.) at the conclusion of their event. All items must be returned to their original location prior to leaving the building, not left on counters or in drying racks.
If you had food/drink, make sure the tables and chairs are wiped off. If you are using the tables for crafts, coloring, etc., cover the tables with plastic before using them. No glitter or confetti-like products may be used. Be sure that all marks are cleaned off the tables and chairs.
Wipe up spills. The flooring will be damaged if the liquid is left sitting on it.
Trash should be disposed of in designated receptacles. Large amounts of trash should be
disposed of in the nearest dumpster located in a parking lot.
Sweep floors, clean the sink and wipe off counters & table in the kitchen.
Put away all unused paper and other supplies.
Check all restrooms to see that they are clean and in proper order (flush toilets, pick up
All food that is left in the kitchen is to be dated and labeled. The refrigerators and freezers
are cleaned out every week, and anything not labeled or outdated will be thrown away.
Notify if anything is broken and submit a Damage Report form
(available from the Parish Office or website).
Turn off all lights (including washrooms and service areas).
Secure all doors (interior and exterior) and close/lock all windows.
Leave the room like you found it or better!
Exterior doors are not to be propped open.
Familiarize yourself with the locations of exits and fire extinguishers.
No tape of any kind is to be used for any purpose. That includes taping or otherwise affixing things to the walls, windows, tables, chairs, pillars, interior doors, and exterior doors.
No burning candles or oil lamps, of any size, or open flame is permitted in any room or facility with the exception of the church. Sterno cans for chafing dishes are permitted with proper precautions to remove adjacent flammable materials.
No colored juices or drinks are permitted in carpeted areas to prevent carpet damage.
All parish facilities are non-smoking.
Firearms and weapons of any kind are not permitted on parish grounds or in parish buildings except for on-duty law enforcement officers performing their jobs.
No confetti-like products or glitter is to be used.
Helium balloons are prohibited.
Please observe where items are stored before using them. Return the items to their proper places.
All users of the facilities are expected to protect the facilities from unusual wear and damage. Users may be responsible for damage due to their misuse of the facilities.
The Parish reserves the right to approve or not approve any requested use of the facilities.
Parish-owned equipment, furniture or movable articles pertaining to the facilities shall not be
removed from the facility. Parish equipment may not be borrowed or rented for private use.
Thermostat settings are adjusted by Facility staff only.
All laws and diocesan policies on the use/serving of alcohol will be strictly observed. Anyone under the age of 21 who consumes alcohol is doing so illegally. Consumption of alcohol by a minor, even with the permission of a legal guardian or spouse, is illegal. The serving of alcohol at any parish event, whether on or off parish grounds, must have the prior approval of the Pastor.
If alcohol is to be sold and/or served, the organization chairperson must contact the Parish Business Manager regarding the requirements for obtaining a license. The Business Manager will provide guidance in applying for a license, but the group sponsoring the event is required to complete the licensure process.
License. Any parish organization that wishes to sell and/or serve any alcohol at an event open to the general public must obtain the following:
Insurance from the diocese of San Angelo (through the Parish Business Manager)
A liquor license from Midland County
A liquor license from the State of Texas
These items can take six weeks or more to obtain. Contact the Parish Business Manager as soon as possible to begin the paperwork.
The following conditions must also be met for the parish to allow the alcohol to be sold/served:
The organization purchasing alcohol may store it at the parish no sooner than 48 hours
before an event (space permitting).
Members of the organization are responsible for set-up, serving and clean-up.
Clean-up requires removal from the premises of any leftover alcohol.
Absolutely no one under the age of 21 may be in the bar area while alcohol is being served.
Note: County and State licenses are required for any event at which alcohol is sold. The State of Texas considers alcohol to be sold if a charge is made for individual drinks (by cash or ticket) or if there is a charge to come in the door and be present at an event and no other charge is made for alcoholic beverages. Because of possible misinterpretation and liability, BYOB events are not permitted by St. Stephen's.
The Health Department requires a permit when serving food to the general public. This would apply to any Parish event that is advertised and open to people other than parishioners. The organization planning an open event must contact the Parish Business Manager regarding the requirements. A person certified and licensed in food sanitation is required to complete the permit application and needs to be present at the event. Non- catered food must be prepared on-site. The Parish Business Manager will provide guidance in applying for a permit, but the group sponsoring the event is required to complete the permitting process. The Parish is required to follow the Health Department regulations and can be inspected at their discretion.
Security is required for large (150 or more attendees) events to which the general public is invited. The cost is an hourly rate, which is to be paid by the organization sponsoring the event.
The parish staff, as well as the facility staff, will unlock doors for facility users.
The standard opening time for your scheduled facility will be 30 minutes before your requested start time. If 30 minutes is not enough time for you to be prepared, you need to request additional time on the Request to Schedule Event Form
Users are responsible for the unlocked facility from the time they request it to be opened until the time they leave. The user must have someone present at all times when the facility is unlocked.
Users are responsible for ensuring that all exterior doors are locked, windows closed, interior doors shut, and lights turned off (including washrooms and service areas) before leaving the building. In the case of multiple groups using facilities, the last group leaving the premises is responsible for securing the facility.
Each building (except the little church and its basement) has at least one exterior access door that is programmed to unlock and lock according to scheduled facility activities. Authorized activities that need frequent night and/or weekend access may request a key code from the Facilities Manager. If approved, a code will be issued to a specific individual who is responsible for the security of that code and its use. Codes may not be shared with other individuals or groups. Security code requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance. Codes are only operative for specified timeframes associated with the approved activity.
Food and supplies that you provide may be stored in the kitchen for short periods of time for a special event.
Always mark your items clearly so others do not use them.
Kitchen countertops, cabinets, refrigerators, and freezers are for temporary storage. Items should be dated and labeled and stored for no longer than one week. Countertops, cabinets, refrigerators, and freezers will be cleared weekly. Any unlabeled or outdated items will be removed.
Leftovers remaining that are for general use should be marked as such.
Items in the drying rack by the sink are to be put away at the conclusion of the event before leaving the kitchen.
If you have a need to temporarily store large quantities of food supplies and/or large kitchen items, please contact the Facility staff.
Storage is generally unavailable at St. Stephen's facilities.
Any special equipment you have reserved will be placed in the room for you. Some items require direction to use properly. The Facility staff will be happy to train you.
The safety of our children, both in and about parish property, is of paramount importance. Any behavior or action that presents an actual or potential danger to our children will not be tolerated. Anti-social behavior in any form is unacceptable. All local, state and federal laws and regulations must be followed at all times.
Children are to be supervised by an adult in all areas of the parish facilities at all times.
Supervision includes keeping the children in eyesight at all times and preventing the children from running and participating in activities that could cause harm to themselves, others or the facility. During group meetings, it is the responsibility of the group’s adult leadership to maintain awareness of the whereabouts of all children present and to provide supervision of those children. An adult should never be left alone with a minor(s); at least two adults are to be present at all times when interacting with minors.
All adults in contact with minor children in the course of running parish programs/events must have previously completed all of the requirements specified by the diocese of San Angelo for the Protection of Children and Youth. Currently, these requirements include an online background check, completing the ethic's course, acknowledgment/adherence to the diocesan Code of Conduct.
The use of facilities may begin as early as 8:00 a.m. Ordinarily, access to facilities should cease by 9:30 p.m. (allowing for set-up and take-down). Access doors will lock at or before 9:00 p.m. Facility users are expected to exit the buildings no later than 9:30 p.m.
If anyone is injured at a meeting/event, please notify the Parish Business Manager or Pastor as soon as possible, even if it seems to be minor. An Accident Report should be filled out at the scene if at all possible. It should be placed in an envelope addressed to the Director of Operations and delivered to the Parish Office foyer. The form may be obtained from the Parish Office or website.
In the event, something is broken or damaged or you observe something broken or damaged while using the facilities, please fill out a Damage Report form (available in the Parish Office or website). It should be placed in an envelope addressed to the Parish Business Manager and delivered to the Parish Office. This allows us to keep our buildings in the best condition possible.
If it is an emergency, such as a broken door or window, please notify the Facilities Manager, Parish Business Manager, or the Pastor immediately. (Contact information is on the last page of this document.)
Any organization, company, or individual that is defined as “For Profit” may not request to use our
facilities. This includes arrangements to offer free classes, seminars, meetings, etc., to parishioners and/or offer a rebate to the parish.
Per the policy of the diocese of San Angelo, any group using St. Stephen's facilities that is not officially sponsored by the Parish or diocese is required to pay for diocesan liability insurance according to the current fee structure specified by the diocese of San Angelo. Parish/diocesan sponsored organizations, as well as Parish/diocesan sponsored events, are covered by diocesan insurance.
Parish facilities and equipment are only to be used for official parish ministries and functions. They may not be rented or borrowed for other uses. Rentals for birthday parties, baby showers, family reunions, graduation parties, sports banquets, and such non-church-related events are not allowed.
There are no fees or charges for use of facilities for St. Stephen's-sponsored/sanctioned groups. However, there will be charges for excessive cleanup and repair/replacement of damaged or broken items. The fee will be determined by the Parish Business Manager and approved by the Pastor.
Please check the room when you arrive. If the room is in disarray, notify the Parish Office at your earliest convenience.
Exceptions to this policy or to any part of it should never be assumed by the group submitting the scheduling request. Exceptions will only be granted by way of the application process at the discretion of the Pastor in consultation with the Director of Parish Operations, Facilities Manager, etc.
Fire Procedure
In case of fire, activate the nearest fire alarm pull station, if one is available. Take appropriate precautions to ensure your personal safety.
Call 911. Give your name and the exact location of the fire (building and room).
When emergency aid is needed at the main church, please be sure to inform the parish address of 4601 Neely. Be clear of the location of the emergency e.g. main church. Be sure to stay on the phone until released by the 911 Emergency Operator.
Evacuate the building by the nearest exit. If individuals with a disability cannot safely evacuate the building, assist them to the nearest uninvolved exit. Alert emergency personnel of their location.
Once outside, go to a clear area that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Keep driveways and sidewalks clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
DO NOT RETURN TO BUILDINGS until authorized by the Fire Department.
Suspicious Person Procedure
Everyone on the campus is asked to assist in providing a safe environment by being alert to suspicious behavior.
1. If you feel endangered, call 911.
2. Be observant. The more information you can provide to Police, the better.
Tornado or Severe Weather Procedure
A Tornado Watch or Severe Weather Warning means tornadoes are likely to develop. Be alert to changing weather conditions and be prepared to take action if the weather situation is upgraded to a warning. A Tornado Warning means a tornado has been spotted in our area. Occupants should shelter in an interior portion of the building as far from windows/glass as possible.
Loss of Utilities Procedures
Electrical Power Loss or Outage
1. If possible, determine whether the problem is isolated to your area or involves a larger area. 2. If power loss involves only a part of the building, contact the Facilities Manager.
3. If electrical power is lost, unplug or turn off any electrical appliances.
Gas Leak
Call 911. State the location and extent of involvement of the gas leak, if possible.
Cease all operations.
Do not switch on/off lights or any other electrical equipment.
Evacuate the building by the nearest exit. Notify other building occupants to do so as well.
If a disabled individual cannot safely evacuate the building assist them to the nearest
exit away from the emergency area. Alert emergency personnel of their location.
Once outside, move away from the building at least 500 feet. Keep driveways and
sidewalks clear for emergency crews.
DO NOT RETURN TO BUILDINGS unless authorized to by emergency responders.
Water Cutoff or Loss of Pressure
1. Call the Facilities Manager.
2. If possible, determine whether the problem is isolated to your area or involves a larger
3. Turn off water faucets to prevent a drain when the water is restored.
Building Addresses
St. Stephen's Catholic Church
4601 Neely Ave.
Midland, TX 79707
Note: Be sure to specify the location of the building on church campus to the Emergency Operator!
Please observe all fire lanes, handicap, and no-parking areas. This ensures that police, fire, and paramedics can easily access the buildings in an emergency.
Parish Main Number: 432-520-7394
Facility Manager Cell: 432-230-2687